Cllr Robert Nemeth (former)
Wish Ward
Shermond House
In case not already logged, I wish to place on the record my objection to planning application BH2022/02102 concerning Shermond House on Boundary Road.
I have discussed the proposal with various residents and echo their concerns. The creation of a new structure in the former garden area of a Boundary Road building is fundamentally wrong.
The main/front building is already arguably an overdevelopment. Developing what was once a garden into a building exacerbates the situation. Those living behind will certainly be adversely affected. In an ideal world, the current car park would be improved with some sensitive planting. It may be ugly currently, but it is at least useful.
A rear building in that position is too close to the houses and behind and runs contrary to the spirit of the long established. rear building line of the Boundary Road properties.
Concerns about noise, height, overlooking, privacy, etc have all been made by residents which I support.
Please add these comments onto the application documents.